Greater Grand Rapids:
Muskegon & the Lakeshore:


DiagnosticPlus is a diagnostic mammogram, plus a clinical breast exam.

Why DiagnosticPlus?

While a clinical breast exam (CBE) alone is not a diagnostic procedure, a negative diagnostic mammogram result is insufficient to conclude that a palpable mass on CBE is not suspicious and further follow-up is necessary. An abnormal CBE in the presence of a negative mammogram requires further follow-up as part of the Mercy Health standard.

Who provides the Clinical Breast Exam portion of DiagnosticPlus?

Technologists or nurses (depending on the location) who have had specialty training in Clinical Breast Exam from MammaCare®, a National Cancer Institute-recognized breast examination process. Your Primary Care Physician may also provide a separate Clinical Breast Exam. Our Clinical Breast Exam is a partner exam to your diagnostic imaging being performed the same day.

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